Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Vacation

I wrote this a few weeks ago and thought I lost it when I navigated away from my New Post page. I didn't realize it was saved as a draft. Idiot

So here it is finally ...

If you didn't know already, we try to keep a sense of humor around our house. Sometimes it's a sick sense of humor, but all the same, there is usually something to laugh at (or someone usually). Whether it be on tv or the computer or just someone in our daily lives, we are typically laughing at some point.

During the holidays (and you have to admit it) there is a certain amount of stress that we all have to deal with. There is shopping and gifts and parties and concerts and dinners and family and kids and old people and ... well, you get my drift.

But then you can have the quiet times too. You know those times when just you and your immediate family get to hang out. Maybe with the lights down low and just the tree shining in all its glory. We will always do this at least once during the season and we will always watch "Christmas Vacation" at least once. It gives us more chances to laugh at someone who definitely has it worse than us, but it also shows us that even with the stress of the holidays, the true meaning always come out in the end.

Here are a couple of clips that are my favorites. Enjoy!


  1. This movie is my favorite holiday tradition...Chevy Chase and Christmas just seem to go together. You have shown some of the best clips!!

    You are not an took me four months to figure that one out! LOL


  2. I love the part where Clark is wishing Merry Christmas to all the 'suits' from his office!!

  3. I totally agree. Christmas wouldn't be the same without the Griswalds.
    Happy New Year!

  4. I love the Jelly of the Month club! I have never gotten a membership, but I don't have a pool either!!!!! Very Funny!!!!

  5. Classic!

    I'm SO glad you posted this. Now, all of our blogger friends will know that we are CLASSY!!

  6. LOL. Gotta love Chevy. And you are,indeed, a classy family;) Happy New Year!

  7. This movie makes lots of laughter at the little thats music to my ears!

    Happy New Year CB!

  8. ONe of my most favorite movies ever!!!

  9. Happy New Year! Give us more dirt on BHE ; ) Hope you guys have a great night!

  10. We always watch this Thanksgiving weekend and plenty of times until the New Year! My very favorite!
